The Business Leaders Guide to 气候 Adaptation & 弹性

发表: 4月15日
类型: 出版

The Business Leaders Guide to 气候 Adaptation & 弹性 supports senior decision-makers and their functional teams to integrate climate adaptation and resilience into organizational strategy, 治理, 和操作. Developed by WBCSD, Bain & 公司, and Jupiter Intelligence, with the support of leading global businesses, the guide contains nine modules, each of which includes tools, 框架, and case studies to facilitate action across various adaptation challenges. 

Why this Guide matters 

气候 adaptation and resilience are crucial for businesses, as the risks posed by climate change are increasing, including disruptions in supply chains and infrastructure failures, workforce displacement, increased cost of inputs, 和更多的. Businesses must act to safeguard the resilience of workforces, 关键供应链, and the communities and natural ecosystems upon which they depend, building collective resilience and avoiding maladaptation.  

The cost of inaction is enormous, and investing in resilience can have high rates of return. Now is the moment for visionary business leaders to act fast to reduce risk and benefit from an early-mover advantage.   

This guide helps business leaders build or adjust their approach to managing risk, access practical 框架 for building resilience, and take immediate next steps for their organization's adaptation journey. 


Throughout the guide, three key themes emerge: 

  • 立即采取行动: The time to act is now to avoid risk, 保障社区, and unlock new adaptation-related business opportunities. 
  • Coordinated Business Strategy: Effective climate adaptation demands a coordinated transformation across all business functions, shifting from a reactive to a proactive risk management approach. 
  • 当地的合作: Collaboration with diverse stakeholders at local and national levels is essential to building collective resilience within and beyond the value chain. 


The Business Leaders Guide is a comprehensive resource that offers insights and tools for businesses to take adaptation and resilience action. The guide was developed with WBCSD members from different sectors and regions and was supported by an expert panel of 12 leading global companies. 这些公司, 包括拜耳, 帝亚吉欧, 法国电力公司, 电子数据处理, Engie, Meta, 三菱, 雀巢, 百事可乐, 飞利浦, 太古, 和瑞士再保险, shared their knowledge and experiences to strengthen the guide test applicability for businesses worldwide. 

Join us and get started 

As the work towards climate-resilient businesses continues, we invite stakeholders and companies to join us on this transformative journey to accelerate action and investment in climate adaptation, to build a more resilient future for all. 

To find out more about WBCSD’s physical risk, climate adaptation and resilience work and/or to get involved, please contact Madeline Ojakovoh ( 

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