From climate targets to holistic solutions

The road to COP26 will be all about implementation

发表: 12 Dec 2020
作者: 彼得不赞美
类型: 洞察力

Today is 12 December 2020 – the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

We have come a long way since!

There are probably two ways to look at this anniversary. On the one hand, we have not made the progress needed:

  • Global emissions have continued to rise,
  • 从那以后,各国政府在巴黎表现出的团结受到了考验和破坏.

On the other hand, it’s fair to say that we have come a long way:

  • Since the 2018 IPCC report, the target of 1.5 degrees to halve emissions is now the norm,
  • 许多公司已经设定了不迟于2050年实现净零排放的目标,
  • 气候相关财务信息披露工作组(TCFD)的建议也已制定.

I remember the days in 2015, 当时WBCSD正在领导一项名为“低碳技术伙伴计划”的工作, 第21届联合国气候变化大会即将召开. 最终, 235多家公司和50多家合作伙伴齐聚一堂,共同制定了9项大型企业减排解决方案, pushing policy makers to be bold. Business was present at COP21, stating “We have solutions. 如果你给我们一个明确的政策轨道,最好是碳定价,那么我们就会加速。”.

《正规博彩十大网站排名》——再加上日益清晰的科学和日益严重的自然灾害影响——给了企业所需要和要求的明确信号和方向感. 许多公司现在正在调整他们的战略,以适应净零排放途径将带来的转变.

此外, COVID大流行只是更清楚地表明,我们集体对全球事件可能产生的那种冲击准备不足. And we all know that the impact of climate change can be much bigger. We have seen even more companies, from the energy and food sectors to the automotive and tech sectors, setting ambitious targets in spite of the pandemic disruptions. 2019冠状病毒病还以痛苦的方式告诉我们,所有因素都是相互关联的:除了全面思考解决方案并加以实施,没有其他选择, 自然, health and social equity to achieve true system transformation.

Despite lackluster progress in the COPs after Paris, recently we have seen governments really stepping up as well, 包括加拿大, 中国, 日本和韩国, and of course the Green Deal in Europe. Depending on events unfolding, 现在,人们甚至强烈希望美国将重新引领这条道路.

Next up: making it real – the road to COP26

To turn all commitments and targets into reality, with COP26 as one of the upcoming key milestones, 我们需要两样东西:

  1. 企业应制定运营计划,实施在本十年内将排放量减半所需的解决方案. This does not only require CEO leadership within companies, but also collaboration in sectors and across value chains.
  2. 公司需要透明地披露其目标和计划,并报告实现这些目标和计划的进展. 气候相关财务披露工作组(TCFD)的建议和ESG的发展非常重要.

《正规博彩十大网站排名》描述了TCFD在确保每项金融决策都考虑到气候变化方面可以发挥的作用. 马克·卡尼, 作为COP26总理的财政顾问和联合国气候行动和财政特使,谁在领导这项工作, commented at the TCFD Summit in October: “我们正在努力确保你将有信息考虑到气候风险和非常重要的气候机遇”.

As I highlighted during that same TCFD Summit, “我们必须创建一个资本市场,以较低的资本成本奖励更可持续的企业,从而为我们面前的关键系统转型分配更多的金融资本.

〇超越目标 WBCSD’s 支持领导和行动

然而, 虽然所有这些都预示着COP26的好兆头,以及我们可以带来的雄心水平, we need more to double down, since we are nowhere near enough bending the curve on emissions globally. We have all been talking about transformation and setting targets, but it is time to move beyond ambition and targets and make net zero real, 在接下来的十年里.

摆在业务桌上的一个大问题是:企业能够实现的根本变革是什么? 我们会怎么做?, if we could shape the agenda now, bring to the COP26 eleven months from now as the solutions from business? 这就是COP26与2015年巴黎COP21的不同之处:我们不是要通过一项全球协议; COP26 will be about implementation.

作为回应,我们现在已经调整了所有WBCSD项目,使其与净零排放和零排放保持一致.5 .一致的野心. In April 2020, we launched SOS 1.5 取代《正规博彩十大网站》,成为本署所有气候行动活动的连贯跨领域框架. SOS 1.5为个别公司制定指导方针,以加速其零净之旅, 并努力加快各部门和价值链所需的集体行动. WBCSD已取得1.5 degrees target part of our updated membership criteria. 据我所知, 我们是世界上第一个将不迟于2050年的净零排放作为会员标准的商业协会.

Also, new elements of work are being added: like 农业1.5,以及我们刚刚发布的新报告中提到的基于自然的解决方案的链接。”Mapping 自然-based solutions and natural climate solutions”, 帮助企业加快对气候和自然都有积极影响的持续和可信的行动. 基于自然的解决方案可以帮助提供高达37%的解决方案,以实现《正规博彩十大网站排名》, 并有潜力支持自然丧失的挑战,同时对企业和人民都有好处. It is great to see that also the COP26 leadership has realized this, 气候变化和自然是即将召开的气候大会的两个重点领域.

To conclude – this is not just about climate but systemic transformation. Nor is it just about business. Business has a major role to play and a strong voice, which we should use. 但我们确实也应该利用COP26与各国政府和投资界建立新的合作关系, as well as with civil society, because only together will we get implementation to scale.

如果你愿意参加我们的集体行动呼吁,我们已经把 下面的视频 激发雄心壮志,展示企业的声音,使其成为一股有利于气候变化的力量.

所以今天, 我们应该简单地“庆祝”自《正规博彩十大网站排名》以来所取得的进展. 然而, 此后,我们应该继续专注于在2021年实现必要的真实和快速过渡.

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