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Showing 49-56 of 1872 results.
Lewis Hill, Manager – Policy, Advocacy & Member Mobilization | 18 Dec 2023

COP28 Summary – What Does the Global Stocktake Mean for Business?

Clare Allen-Sader, Senior Digital 自然-气候 Consultant at Arup, Sarah Gillhespy, Sustainable Development Specialist at Arup and Claudia Schweizer Liégeard, Built Environment Manager at WBCSD | 8 Dec 2023

Exploring nature positive buildings

Dr. Jennie Dodson, Senior Director, WBCSD (formerly Head of Mission Innovation) and Salka Sigurdardottir and Dr. Paul Durrant (Joint Heads of the Breakthrough Agenda Secretariat) | 5 Dec 2023

Breakthrough Agenda announces partnership with World Business Council for Sustainable Development

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