(OCP’s 艾尔 Moutmir initiative promotes best agricultural practices, allowing farmers to improve productivity while preserving natural resources

发表: 2023年9月7日
类型: 案例研究


1920年成立于摩洛哥, (OCP is a phosphate rock miner, phosphoric acid manufacturer and fertilizer producer. 从 开始,一个矿井, 他们的业务现在遍及 五大洲, 贯穿整个农业 价值链, from mining and manufacturing to education and community development. (OCP is Morocco’s largest employer, with over 20,000 employees. ​ 

(OCP aspires to a fair transition of food systems to net zero, 通过行业广泛采用 可持续, regenerative agricultural practices to fight climate change.​ 

​The company believes that a fair transition also means leaving no one behind on the journey. The company supports smallholder farmers by guaranteeing them decent living wages, empowering them to become more resilient to changes in their environment. ​ 

(OCP资助了 几个项目 promoting regenerative agriculture to better farmer livelihoods and further a just transition. 

“Sustainability is at the core of every decision we make. From transforming our processes to developing ways to do more with less, see how our approach helps us create a sustainable future for everyone.” – Jamila Adani, Director Farmer Centricity at 艾尔 Moutmir-(OCP 

项目关注的焦点: 艾尔 Moutmir 


2018年推出, the Al Moutmir outreach initiative uses innovative and customized solutions to empower farmers to make real and sustainable improvements to their agricultural practices. It helps to build sustainable agricultural and food systems by assisting and providing farmers, 合作社, and agri-entrepreneurs with solutions that enable them to increase their productivity while preserving natural resources.​ 

科学方法是 项目的核心. Al Moutmir uses best in class products and agricultural services (such as soil testing, training sessions and demonstration platforms) customized to the needs of their soil to provide farmers with bespoke solutions to enable them to make better use of their land and to optimize the use of inputs. 这是 ,辅以用户友好的技术, as well as upskilling programs for farmers and rural women to equip communities with the tools they need to move from a subsistence-based type of farming, 实现盈利和可持续的 业务.​ 

​Teams of more than 100 agronomist engineers are permanently located in fields, 与当地社区建立联系并 互动, learning from their close relationship with the ecosystem. This allows them to develop and introduce tailored agricultural solutions, encouraging farmers to be agile in an ever-changing ecosystem and bring out new solutions, 适应 和负担得起的所有.​ 

成果:可持续改善 农民生计​ 

​Since its inception the initiative has so far supported directly more than 50,000 farmers across Morocco in increasing their productivity sustainably. ​ 

根据 (OCP 统计数据, the program has helped farmers improve the yield of certain crops by up to 21%, 并将农民的净利润率 从23%提高到34%, 取决于作物.​ 




The initiative focuses on supporting farmers through integrated capacity-building programs to become “agri-preneurs”. It encourages them to view agriculture as a real business from which they can make profitable benefits year after year. The team of agronomists involved in the initiative work with farmers on a daily basis, 提供农业培训和 示范, as well as monitoring and support to ensure that best practices are implemented in a sustainable and bespoke way. ​ 

据估计超过60人,000次 农业培训, 为农民提供管理和软技能, rural women 合作社 and young leaders has been provided since inception of the program. ​ 

“深入了解是关键的一步.  与农民合作, understanding their challenges and then turning this into insights regarding products and services holds the key to success. We should come up with technological solutions that are farmer and people centric.”​ – ​Jamila Adani, Director Farmer Centricity at 艾尔 Moutmir-(OCP


社会适应力 ​ 

(OCP have also developed a free of charge mobile application (@tmar) for all farmers across Morocco. 该应用程序为农民提供 技术, 农艺, 以及经济见解, ensuring they have up-to-date information to make the best decisions regarding how to use their land. This includes using weather forecasts and soil readings to help farmers determine optimum quantities of fertilizers to be used for certain crops. It is estimated that over 300,000 farmers have used this app.​


协作和 透明度​ 

Multiple stakeholder groups have come together as part of this initiative, 包括 农民, 志愿者, agricultural organizations and academic institutes (INRA research institute, 农学研究所 & 兽医 医学). 这使得分享最佳 实践成为可能, key learnings and a robust approach towards tackling challenges faced along the way. All stakeholders have become true ambassadors of good agricultural practices and are paving the way for others to follow suit. ​

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